torsdag 28 april 2011

Crash Review

It was about many peoples lives that meet in strange ways but all started with a car crash. But its mostly about a private detective called Graham Waters, who is trying to find his lost brother. And Officer Ryan with his partner Tom. The Cabot couple who get their car stolen. Shaniqua the owner of a hospital. And many more.

Graham is very busy solving cases but has promised his old mom to find his brother. Ryan is a very good cop with lots of experience and is pretty racist but having a father who is not healthy. His partner Tom is pretty new as officer and is not racist and after a pull over wants to change partner. Miss Jean Cabot its very racist and only judge a person for its appearance, like when they changed locks on all their doors she wanted to change them again the next day because its was a coloured guy that changed them and she thought he was going to give the key to his friends and robe them.

It was about solving a case of a car crash and a dead body. There were many conflicts between lots of people. For example between Ryan and Shaniqua about Ryan’s father’s disease and that he needs treatment. It was filmed in 2004 in Los Angeles.
And the title is Crash and it is about a car crash in the beginning and then that many people “crash” into each other, their ways get crossed often.

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